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Worms Armageddon class
Class name: CWorm
Description: Describes a worm
Constructor: CWorm::CWorm(CObject* Parent, int aTeam, int aIndex, CWormParams* params);
Derived From: CGObject

Describes a worm.


class CWorm : CGObject
    int       WormTeam;
    int       WormNumber;
    int       SomeControlBased;
    int       LabelColor;
    int       KnockedOut;  
    int       WeaponN; 
    fixed     DispHealth; 
    fixed     TargHealth; 
    int       ShowHealthChgLbl; 
    int       GotDamage;
    int       TurnSide;
    int       PressedUp; 
    int       PressedDown; 
    int       PressedLeft; 
    int       PressedRight; 
    int       JetFuel;  
    fixed     FirePower;    
    fixed     FireAngle; 
    int       nTotalShoots;  
    int       nAvalShoots; 
    bool      CanFire; 
    int       nShooted;
    int       nShoots;
    int       TimeToFire;
    int       WeapLatency; 
    int       SelectX; 
    int       SelectY; 
    int       AnimHelper; 
    CWeapon*  CurWeapon;

TurnSide: Reflects wich side the worm is oriented. -1 for left, 1 for right.

WormTeam: Worm team number (1-6).

WormNumber: Worm number relative to the team (1-8).

WeaponN: Currently selected weapon number in table?

DispHealth: Displayed worm available health.

GotDamage: Displayed amount of damage worm has received. (Appears above worm. After damage was shown it sets back to 0)

JetFuel: Jetpack fuel?

FirePower: Weapon fire power.

FireAngle: Weapon fire angle (0.0 - 1.0).

CanFire: Reflects whether the worm is allowed to shoot. After shot was made it sets to false. Changing it to true after that allows worm to make second shot.

SelectX: The X coordinate of the last cursor click (homing weapons, teleport, girder, etc...), currently multiplied by 65536, divide it by 65536 to get the number of pixels.

SelectY: The Y coordinate of the last cursor click (homing weapons, teleport, girder, etc...), currently multiplied by 65536, divide it by 65536 to get the number of pixels.

CurWeapon: Pointer to currently selected weapon.