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Applies damage and force to object.

This message is synchronized between the machines.

Parameters :

params[0] - damage type. 1 - fire, 3 - shotgun (gotta check for more) 10 - axe (damage in percent), 0 - simple, 8 - firepunch
fparams[1] - x coordinate
fparams[2] - y coordinate
fparams[3] - x force
fparams[4] - y force
params[5] - damage
params[6] - attacker team (0 - don't care)
Firepunch tests, to the right side of the screen:
8 - damage type
random coordinate x
random coordinate y
3 - x speed of fp to the right
-7 - upspeed of fp
30 - damage
2 - thats actually damage dealer's team.