User documentation

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Installation guide

Note: You will need to install WormKit from Cybershadow AND have the latest version of the W:A Beta Patch before Project X will work! Get the latest patch of Worms : Armageddon Get Wormkit

Project X comes in a .rar file. Extract the files and folders inside to the main directory where Worms Armageddon is installed; e.g. C:\Team17\Worms Armageddon Then run PXUpdater.exe to get the latest version !

Project X Usage


To start using Project X, run Wormkit.exe, and if everything is in place, Worms: Armageddon will start, and you'll be able to take advantage of the PX features!

Playing a game locally

Project X allows you to select a .pxs scheme file (stored in the "Worms Armageddon/PXSchemes/" folder) when you begin creating a game. Choose your scheme file from the dropdown list and get playing! Don't worry about selecting an ordinary scheme file; just leave it on the default setting and PX will override it. Playing a network game

Playing a network game is almost the same as playing a local game! If you are hosting, your schemes will automatically be transferred to other PX users, and the game will notify you when the users have downloaded the schemes. Non-PX users will not be able to play your game, and users with an out-of-date version of PX will not be able to play either. If you are joining a WormsPX game, their schemes will automatically be transferred to you !

Using the Scheme Editor

The Scheme Editor bundled with PX allows you to take advantage of the new features introduced in it ! Simply go to the "Worms Armageddon/Editors" directory and open PXSchemeEd.exe to use it. Check out a quick tutorial here . Using the Map Editor

You can find a guide here .