oinky wrote:
A rather interesting gameplay situation has happened, where the only survivors on both teams were captains. This time they were lucky and managed to get to each other. But in other circumstances this might really turn into a draw, since there aren't many good ways for captains to move around without the help of engineers. Something needs to be done with this issue. Either by declaring a draw like in chess, or giving captains some additional movement tools.
Regarding oinky's SuggestionGreat point oinky, and this brings back idea of giving Captain a fast walk tool that only works on himself. Like I said earlier, it could create fun, risky offensive strategy in this game, but the draw idea from oinky should still be used either way.
Zed's Idea of Going Beyond Just 1v1About Zed's quote, "You can also play 1v1v1 or 1v1v1v1 etc but it needs modified maps (more SpawnPoints)", someone or Zed himself should make a modified version of same map that allows 2v2. This could make game especially more fun and varied. (I'm already imagining fun strategy that could happen if played in 2v2.)
oinky also pointed out to me that it would be better if all four worms shouldn't spawn at the same point. It's kind of make it tedious to set up the position at the beginning of game due to that. (It could also fix the silly 110 hp problem as well btw.) Modifying and creating different version of map is something this game needs the most for now. (Spawn, FFA, 2v2 for map as summary.)
Regarding Switching WormZed should also allow select worm at start of turn to ease control of this game. (The hard part is, taking that glitch that comes with this function.)
LastlyKeep up with the excellent work Zed. I'm already looking forward to see how this scheme's going to improve. Don't forget your scheme is a real gem, and
POPULARITY DOES NOT REFLECT HOW GOOD THE GAME IS as this game deserves far more attention. After all, last thing I want to see from this project is this scheme being abandoned and forgotten.