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IDEAS for future Libraries. Best will be done.
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Author:  DarkLord [ Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: IDEAS for future Libraries. Best will be done.

stRiNgkiNg wrote:
I want this Mitosis script you speak of... ;p

I know what u want this for... :P
This would be very useful in Highlander. Created worm needs just to be given its weapon.

Author:  Guestleader [ Sun Feb 17, 2013 5:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IDEAS for future Libraries. Best will be done.

I'm kind of wishing for weapons from other Worms games, like lottery strike, fatkin strike, stardust etc. Killburn and Steps made some, but I would like to see more.

Selfmade weapons can be just as good though. And you guys should be making weapons for fun!

Author:  Drumstick [ Mon Mar 11, 2013 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IDEAS for future Libraries. Best will be done.

Ok I got a few new ideas :). Sorry if someone proposed something similar, I don't want to steal ideas by any means.

Poisonous axe: Axe shot + poisoned state.

Single worm invisibility

Sliding: (Pyro knows a bit about this one ;) ) Either hold space while jumping, worm is now in sliding state until space is released, or press space once, the ability disappears when worm has stopped.

Blinding/flashbomb : Not sure about how you administer this. Basically, the affected worms are surrounded by a black spot, visible or not by the other teams. Shouldn't last forever.

Double pistol: shoots in the direction aimed AND in the opposite direction.

Concrete thrower: behaves like a flame thrower, but pixels accumulate instead of burning soil when they get rest. If snow doesn't glitch worms, this shouldn't.

Shockwave: repels everything within radius, once.

Grappling hook: (that's one of thems I think were talked about earlier, can't be sure.) Ok if you played legend of zelda, it works exactly the same. If fired at ground, the hook grabs, attracts worm there without the traditional rope gravity effect, then automatically releases when worm reached destination. If the worm hits something on its way, it falls straight down(or following the normal collision effects). Now, if the hook is fired at any object or worm, the object or worm is now attracted to the firing worm, with the same consequences if it hits something on its way. It simply uses ninja rope sprite, but instead the "cannon" is blue-grey-ish, and the rope fragments are grey.

Katana: (there again i think someone talked about this before) Usable while jumping and flying.. the worm flips while using its katana. Everything within range gets damaged, lets say -40 or just simply -30 for worms. When the flip is over.. the worm could either continue in the state it was before katana, or be in ehhh "ready to land" state.

Digging dragonball: Well................ The energy wave digs.

Dragon Kick: The attacking worm is propelled, foot first, anything in trajectory gets damaged, when he lands, he's sliding.

Judo Throw: Within prod range, the affected objects gets thrown practically upwards, with a little angle, and not too far, in the opposite direction in which the attacking worm is facing.

Spirit bomb: Inspired by Dragonball (the manga). Insta-use: 5 or 10 x the number of worms in the attacker's team is the damage inflicted by it. Build-up use: Sucks 1 hp to each worm on the team at a slow interval, until the attacking worm get its turn again, then he may use it. Creates a blast radius proportional to the damage at the first impact point. Could work like the arrow behaves when it goes outside the map boundaries.

Guard dog: A new kind of sentry! If an enemy is withing radius, the dog attacks... Not sure at all in which way: Explosion? Bite? Bite would be like that missile trap.. the dog charges at the coordinates in which the worm stands.. with some recovery time between each bite.

Pointer: haha. it's just to pointing stuff, if you click, a semi transparent X appears. I'm sure this would be useful. Could be invisible to the opposing team.. great for aiding team games.

Citizen worm as a map object: You know... that worm you gotta protect in some of the missions... I think KTK would improve from this.

Author:  Anthrox [ Tue Mar 12, 2013 12:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: IDEAS for future Libraries. Best will be done.

Could it be possible to write a library which allows to place worms "real time" but worms from opposite teams wouldn't be visible during placement?. Current system is not very convenient and it's very time consuming.

Author:  StepS [ Tue Mar 12, 2013 5:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: IDEAS for future Libraries. Best will be done.

Anthrox wrote:
Could it be possible to write a library which allows to place worms "real time" but worms from opposite teams wouldn't be visible during placement?. Current system is not very convenient and it's very time consuming.

do that and you will taste a delightful, platinum desync.
It is NOT possible for players to interact outside their turn because WA ignores network packets from players when it's not their turn, you CANT make a realtime with scripts. The only approach was chat messaging but it doesn't work: the required functions are fucked in project x.

Author:  Anthrox [ Wed Mar 13, 2013 1:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: IDEAS for future Libraries. Best will be done.

I understand that it's impossible to place worms in real time.
However I think this idea is good as well:
1- every player place worms (no real time, but he has to set up his whole team), once the player is done next player places his team.
2- Players can't see other players teams till the battle starts (invisibility mode)

Author:  StepS [ Wed Mar 13, 2013 7:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: IDEAS for future Libraries. Best will be done.

you actually dont need this. worms exist in game since beginning, they don't appear out of nothing. you can find them at X: LevelSX/2 and Y: -10000 pixels above 0. they are "IsStatic" so they cannot fall from there, also they're hidden at first. try to make a global IsStatic=0 to all worms and they will fall from 10000 height on start of a game instead of having to be placed.

Author:  MilCash [ Sat Mar 16, 2013 9:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: IDEAS for future Libraries. Best will be done.

I've realized a bug with weapon Bovine Blitz. The weapon is creative and one of my favorites, but on cyclic maps doesn't work. When I drop the cows and fly away it can't leave the map! :shock: The chopper disappears at the side of the map then appears at the other side of the map and fly, fly, fly... till the world ends. :D The turn never ends only if is injure myself, but the chopper is still flying in the entire game time.

Author:  StepS [ Sat Mar 16, 2013 5:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IDEAS for future Libraries. Best will be done.

this can be solved by deleting CGObject for truck and only rendering a fake sprite after it has done its job (on the map's edge)

Author:  MilCash [ Tue Mar 19, 2013 11:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: IDEAS for future Libraries. Best will be done.

How can I make the sentry gun and magnets not to make turn ends? I've tried with the PX Scheme Ed, but I guess I have to overwrite something in the weapons .pxl file

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