Project X Forums

Portal Gun 2.0: Reloaded
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Author:  Anthrox [ Fri Mar 08, 2013 1:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Portal Gun 2.0

Super! :mrgreen:

Author:  -raffie- [ Tue May 14, 2013 12:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Portal Gun 2.0

How would I go about adding static Portals to the map? Is it possible?

Author:  PyroMan [ Wed May 15, 2013 11:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Portal Gun 2.0

-raffie- wrote:
How would I go about adding static Portals to the map? Is it possible?

YEp its possible. Need work on exact same way i was working on ''PX RR on any map'' scripts - there objects spawning all over the map randomly and checking collision with land.
Here u just need two objects - two different types of portals with global owner. And calculate random spawning spot on a surface and calculate portal's type to understant what angle it will have.

Author:  -raffie- [ Thu May 16, 2013 3:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Portal Gun 2.0

Pyro, I just downloaded your auto PX RR files, but I understand correctly that these objects are always placed randomly on the map?
What I had in mind is to design a map, and then place portals strategically at certain points on the map (with PX map editor), I guess this can't be done for now then?

Author:  PyroMan [ Thu May 16, 2013 10:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Portal Gun 2.0

-raffie- wrote:
Pyro, I just downloaded your auto PX RR files, but I understand correctly that these objects are always placed randomly on the map?
What I had in mind is to design a map, and then place portals strategically at certain points on the map (with PX map editor), I guess this can't be done for now then?

Oh, so you just need portals as map object. Well its simplier then randomly place them on map. :-)
SAme principle as editorobj_ex.pxl (smth like that), same principle as portal_walls.pxl just edit to work with portals and different types of them. And dont forget to set its type (angle type).

Author:  PyroMan [ Tue Jul 02, 2013 7:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Portal Gun 2.0

Aalright, guys. Long time i didnt script anything, but this time i came back to my Portal Gun.
Im ready to say that i`ve been working on it last few days and what i did is completely rewrote the way how portal gun reads angle of hit and fixed thing with limited ammo. Now if you shoot from mid-air, you will not get infinite ammo and if you fail to open a portal - you will not loose your bullet. BTW about if fail open a portal - with rewritten script this almost never happens. It knows what angle need to open in 99% of situations. Even in very tough places it opens perfectly calcualted angled portal.
So since now, each time you shot a portal bullet, if it hits the groud, there is 99% probability that it will open nice portal. Compare to previous version of this part of the script, there was something like.. 70% probability to open a portal, speciall on Bottom-Right, Top-Left sides. Which were pretty awful sometimes. Now it`s NOT GONNA GAPPEN!

But still, i`m not ready to post it, becouse i want to implement even more cool stuff. But.. only if i will get any success. If i`m not - i will post it with these updates. They are still pretty common. So stay tuned! "Portal Gun 2: Reloaded" coming.

Author:  -raffie- [ Tue Jul 02, 2013 7:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Portal Gun 2.0

Well I think I'm ready to say YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! YESS YESS YESSSSSSS!!!!!! :D
Where's the fucking like button???? :lol:

Author:  PyroMan [ Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Portal Gun 2.0: Reloaded

well, i didnt get success in implementing CFire reading and teleporting through the portals.. just becouse CFire class is almost empty in EAX, probably developers left this class for future. This also explains why weapon "Flame Thrower" cannot be modified in PXSchemeEditor.

Anyway.. i`ve made fixes and improvements changes, so i`, highly recommend to update PortalGun2. And forget about "failed to open a portal" messages and disapearing weapon if portal didnt open :)

Also archive includes my updated p_utils.xpl and updated p_spritebuilder.xpl.
BTW, thinking about updates, i`ve decided to make separate Topic about "p_" libs updates, for easely download all latest stuff from me.

Author:  Twicken [ Thu Sep 12, 2013 11:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Portal Gun 2.0: Reloaded

hey pyro! i found a pretty funny bug. if you blow torch into a portal you will arrive at the other portals y coordinate but not at its x coordinate, so basically you will end up in a wall or in the air above or below the portal you enter. im not sure how we missed it

Author:  PyroMan [ Fri Sep 13, 2013 11:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Portal Gun 2.0: Reloaded

Twicken wrote:
hey pyro! i found a pretty funny bug. if you blow torch into a portal you will arrive at the other portals y coordinate but not at its x coordinate, so basically you will end up in a wall or in the air above or below the portal you enter. im not sure how we missed it

lol, need check that :)

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