Project X Forums

Electricity Pylon
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Author:  -raffie- [ Sun May 31, 2015 1:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Electricity Pylon

Electricity Pylon

pylon.jpg [ 88.23 KiB | Viewed 40702 times ]

Concept overview:

- Placeable object similar to Mine Turret
- When a worm uses a weapon near the Pylon, it starts to emit electricity beams (Tazer). It could emit randomly between 1-3 pulses (maybe of changing intensity)
- Also when mines, grenades,.. any weapon really comes in it's vicinity, it starts emitting electricity.
- The attacking worm would not necessarily get hurt himself, if he stands from a far enough distance.
(- Just for laughs it could emit some electricity beams just @ random times every couple of minutes or so.)

I started this thinking i could modify Pyroman's Custom Turrets lib (attached below), but I am unable to. If someone likes the idea and is able to help with the code, that would be awesome and I will draw up some pretty sprites.

tazer.rar [176.96 KiB]
Downloaded 1635 times
pyroman_turrets.rar [27.34 KiB]
Downloaded 1650 times

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