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Billiards! map and libs here
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Author:  PyroMan [ Mon Aug 06, 2012 2:27 am ]
Post subject:  Billiards! map and libs here

Here is a map remix of StringKing`s billiards map.
PyroMan_PX_Billiards_stringking_map.rar [297.62 KiB]
Downloaded 914 times

PyroMan_Billiards_Libs.rar [803.86 KiB]
Downloaded 919 times

Holes can read if worm is inside or not. if yes - worms will plop. so no more annoying select worm-switching of worms that outside of map.
Holes are lighted up. Worms is lighted up with white color, so active worm will have a white color underneese, like its a white ball.
Added auto-placement on map with 1 wormr on one side and arrenged pyramid on other. Arrengement is well-thinked, well-mixed (i think), so both 8 balls are inside of pyramid. Btw, if u accidently turned off autoplacement, no big deal, your current point where u need put a worm, will be highlighted. So you wil easely build nice pyramid with short time.

all i can say i that i`m preparing map pack of billiards. This type of game excited me! Enjoy it ;)

WA 2012-08-06 07-06-01-15.jpg
WA 2012-08-06 07-06-01-15.jpg [ 127.04 KiB | Viewed 9773 times ]

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