Hello. I'm almost done working on a scheme that I have been working for 1 1/2 years time now. The scheme has 6 weapon tables and around 300 weapons/tools(yes, I found a way around the annoying sprite limit, so all is good). I have made alot of weapons/tools myself, but also used alot of weapon made by you guys, some with slight adjustments. You will get credit of course.
However, through my time working with PX, I have come across many bugs - but also realized the cause of most of them. I believe alot of them could actually be fixed with some scripts, but I am not skilled enough at scripting to do so.
The scripts that I need are(in order of most important to less important):
1. A script that makes the game go back to the first weapons-table, on each turnend. If that is not possible, then at the end of each game. This will fix a bug with "stock piling". You can actually have stock piling with PX, but the game will only save the weapons on the first menu. However, this requires that game is at the first weapons table, when the game ENDS. If the game is not at the first weapons table when the game ends, then the game will take, for example F5 spot 3 on weapons table 2 and add that amount to the weapon at F5 spot 3, on the first weapons table. If the game could just go back to the first weapons table at each game end, then stock piling will work perfectly for the first weapons table.
2. A script that make it possible to use a weapon that can shoot multiple times(3 for example), but ends your turn afterwards, on a jet pack, helicopter etc.. Right now, if you shoot a bazooka for example, that can shoot 3 times, which ends your turn afterwards, the second you shoot the first shot on a jet pack, you fall off your jet pack and even if you don't get hurt, your turn ends. This also happens with certain weapons that don't end you turn, but can shoot multiple times, but not all. If the weapon is pure script and in it is set to be a "utility" in the library weapons menu, then you can do it no problem.
3. A script that makes it possible to use the ninja rope on all weapons tables, without actually having the ninja rope tool on each weapons table on the exact same spot as ninja rope is on the first weapons table. Right now, if you only have the ninja rope on the first menu and you shoot one out and hang in a rope, then, if you change the weapons menu, you cannot shoot another shot, because the game doesn't know which values to load for it. The result is you just fall down and problably lose your turn. This can sometimes make it pretty annoying to use ninja rope, if you want to use a weapon on one of the new weapons tables. But if you place a ninja rope on the same spot as the ninja rope is on the first weapons menu, on all the other menus, then it works no problem. The same thing happens with girders. However, this takes up tables spots, that can be used for other new weapons/tools.
4. A few weapons, like Bunker Buster, Bovine Blitz and some other weapons I have made from these, doesn't react to pressing the space bar to explode them or drop a cow, if there is no weapon on the current weapons table, in team stock, that can be exploded by using the space bar. So, for example, you have to have a sheep on the weapons table, then you are able to drop a cow with Bovine Blitz, because sheep can be detonated on space. But if you don't have it on the current weapons table, then Bovine Blitz doesn't react. With Bunker Buster it just digs but you cannot explode it.
I could come up with a few more scripts, but I think this is probably already asking too much.
I'm probably going to name the scheme "Total War" and I plan on finishing it this december. I will post here when it is done.
I hope someone with good scripting skills is willing to help me out.
- Danny