Hi there, Im a..
Ok, im from Lithuania, working as a programmer (actualy my knowledge is low in programming..), also web designer..
My hobby is scripting if I can say that, but here im not for this

Just found out that worms "shooter" is really fun game even with simply making scheme dependant on rifle type weapons..
Well, its just what I like, and actualy came just to steal the scheme editor to make self and my friends have fun on lan.

And.. I was interested here, why no one have yet started to make mayhem real-time mod.. Perhaps it could be the best fps ever. At least purely unique. By the idea, if to add something related to leveling system it would have a tiny rpg element and im about to be sure, the success can be higher than counter-strike and 3d worms summed.
But.. never knew anyone who has knowledge in 3dworms or mayhem core and never had wishes to try it by myself, it would take much time for one person to do, only good news, it can be done in legal way.
So if someone will be interested at starting open source for this, im up to join

Btw, if anyone needs help scripting in other games - any c&c product, stalker soc/cop, homm5 or l2j just write below or to email