PyroMan here. Real name Nicolas
age: 22 (am i? .. mb 23.. dont remember

other words - made in '89)
I love ProjectX and its possibilities. This stuff pushes WormsArmageddon up to the next few levels!
Regards to PX i start making maps, basically understood px scripting with very low programming-base! (i was not bad scripting on flash action script 2.0 long time ago, nothing else!).
Regards to px pograms like Med, PXSchemEd, PXLibEd i basically understood how worms works. To find out how to "scripting" - i found usefull to see how other scripts work. So Thanks to script-makers for their work!
I believe that together we can get rly impressive results so far! Some1 makes simple script, some1 other improoves it, some1 understood smth else thanks to that simple script, some1 combines possibilities of few scripts into another, other1 testing new functions.. this way is the way to get the very top and make WormsArmageddon more popular and even more cool game.
Thanks so much, that u guys made its possible with projectX! Its definately awesome!
oh... almost forgot

Im a chemist. Photographer and pyrotechnician. I blewed up myself accidently (sounds epic

) with high explosive substances and lost few fingers, but its no big deal for roping and playing worms

Im from Kyiv, Ukraine.
No drink. No drugs. No smoke - is about me
Explosions? Fireworks? Death danger? - yeah, its also about me.
Since not long time ago - commercial photography and videography is also about me.
Im often play worms and working (like retouching photos) at same time. So u can often see me online on wormNet.