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Project X crashes after match end on offline mode?
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Author:  Kaiba [ Sat Mar 23, 2019 5:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Project X crashes after match end on offline mode?

Not sure why this occurs, there is NO error message at all upon crash. It just disappears, so I have to end the process in task manager.

This also happens when a victory is held after match end. Help?

Author:  buxnaman [ Mon Apr 01, 2019 2:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Project X crashes after match end on offline mode?


You are not giving enough information, what operating system are you using? Did the issue start happening after some software/hardware change or has it suddenly started on what was previously a completely playable game?

I'd suggest verifying integrity of all files, maybe copying over from a backup or download from: magnet link magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6ebbf87f2cb20d0c685827e916d058561221236c&dn=Worms+Armageddon+Project+X+Extract+and+Run& - just copy and paste into a browser or a torrent client.

Also, even though you are not getting an error message, I'd suggest checking the logs inside the WA folder, namely pxlog.txt, px_errors.txt, ERRORLOG.TXT and pxcrashlog.txt for clues on why this is happening.

Author:  Kaiba [ Sat Jun 01, 2019 7:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Project X crashes after match end on offline mode?

Very late reply, but..

I'm using Windows 10, CD edition (not steam ver.) and this issue happens on all of my PCs. I've followed all installation instructions. What's even more odd is that this issue only occurs when windowed mode is enabled. If it's disabled, the game appears fuzzy or at the worst, extremely laggy. The game unfreezes in non-windowed mode. Windowed mode doesn't allow me to do anything after a match ends, freezing and thus, only option being to close the program using Task Manager.

I checked the error log. I still cannot find the issue.

Author:  Kaiba [ Sat Jun 01, 2019 7:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Project X crashes after match end on offline mode?

Checked the log and this came up:

WA caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
in module wkWndMode.dll at 0023:029f1275.
Exception parameters: 00000000 00000000
CyberShadow beta, version

Author:  buxnaman [ Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Project X crashes after match end on offline mode?


Seems like that windowed mode is what's causing the crash. There is a better option:

1. Disable the windowed mode by moving that wkWndMode.dll file elsewhere or renaming it to change the extension.

2. Install DirectX 9.0c, because Windows 10 has newer DX, but does not have all the files from previous versions. If you try to install from a web installer, it says your DirectX is already updated to the latest version, so use the installer located here.

3. Place additional dll fix for Win8+ into your game directory. You can download the file here, and the original post where StepS shared the link can be found here.

This should allow you to play the game normally. But, if it's still laggy during gameplay(I'd just ignore any low performance in the menu if any) look into the advanced options and tinker there to get the desired result.


Additionally, why are you playing the game in offline mode? The super useful, nice weapon panel, you turn on by ALT+P in the Highlander schemes, does not work in offline mode if I'm not mistaken. What I usually do when I play with my friends on a single computer is create a local area network game and add multiple teams.

If all else fails, you can try downloading the extract and run version of the game. You can get it on The Pirate Bay or directly, using the magnet link magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6ebbf87f2cb20d0c685827e916d058561221236c&dn=Worms+Armageddon+Project+X+Extract+and+Run& - just copy and paste into a browser or a torrent client.

In case there are no seeders, just leave it running in the background and when I'm back online, it will download. I'll try and not interrupt the seeding process for the next few days, as much as circumstances allow it.

Hope this helps. Just let me know if any issues come up and I might be able to help you further.

Author:  Kaiba [ Sun Jun 02, 2019 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Project X crashes after match end on offline mode?

I'll try the mirror link. Sad thing about this is that without windowed mode, the game is completely laggy in the menus. The problem is gone, but the menus are just HORRIBLE to sit through while it's lagging like hell. :cry:

Thank you for all of this, though. After I download this (I have very slow internet so it may take a while) I'll tell you if all goes well. Again, thank you for your help!

Author:  Kaiba [ Sun Jun 02, 2019 11:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Project X crashes after match end on offline mode?

UPDATE/EDIT: Still extremely laggy. The version I downloaded from you basically has the same issues (except the menus are atrocious) but the game ending issue is resolved!! :D

Okay, this is a bummer that the menus are laggy as all hell, if they weren't this would be absolutely perfect. I appreciate that I at least get to play this mod, though.

Author:  buxnaman [ Mon Jun 03, 2019 4:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Project X crashes after match end on offline mode?


My PC's running Windows 7 so I don't really know or have a way of figuring it out, but until someone running Windows 10 can chip in with better advice...

Which version did you download? When you say mirror link, are you referring to the extract and run torrent I posted the Pirate Bay and the magnet links to? This one:

If all else fails, you can try downloading the extract and run version of the game. You can get it on The Pirate Bay or directly, using the magnet link magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6ebbf87f2cb20d0c685827e916d058561221236c&dn=Worms+Armageddon+Project+X+Extract+and+Run& - just copy and paste into a browser or a torrent client.

If so, please know that this version is NOT Windows 10 ready! Sorry, I forgot to note that initially. You will still need to:

  1. Install DirectX 9.0c, because Windows 10 has newer DX, but does not have all the files from previous versions. If you try to install from a web installer, it says your DirectX is already updated to the latest version, so use the installer located here.

  2. Place additional dll fix for Win8+ into your game directory. You can download the file here, and the original post where StepS shared the link can be found here.

Also, I'd give it a shot with the following. Note: I don't really know, so wouldn't be surprised to find out most of this have no effect on the menu at all, but can't hurt trying.

  1. Update your graphics card driver.

    This one's a no brainier, might improve performance. You can get the latest NVIDIA drivers here and the latest ATI drivers here.

  2. Play around with the advanced options.

    I've attached the screenshot of how it looks on my end in the previous reply. Try different options, restarting the game to apply and test. I know this might be a chore if the menu's super laggy already and might turn out to only have an effect on the gameplay and not the menu(and I won't repeat this), but I'd still give it a shot.

    Alternatively, locate the Tweaks folder inside your Worms directory, if there is one, and use the premade registry edit files to change the settings without having to navigate the slow menus. Note that I'm not really sure if all the options available in the game will be available through this method and vice versa.

    Or, use the Windows Registry Editor, navigating to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Team17SoftwareLTD\WormsArmageddon\Options and you should be able to change the game options there.

  3. Edit the PX.ini file located in your game directory with Notepad.

    It holds some interesting graphics settings and disabling VSync and throttling down/disabling Anti Aliasing(labeled AAState) is definitely going to improve performance, just don't know if the menu is affected or gameplay only.

  4. Run the game in compatibility mode.

    Right click the game executable(WA.EXE)->Properties->Compatibility and play around with the options. Some people on the web claim performance increase with compatibility mode.

  5. Use your graphic card software to force settings onto Worms.

    Not sure if and how effective this is, but certainly worth giving it a shot if all other options fail. A guide I found online is here.

Alternatively, host the game directly, which places you straight into the lobby, avoiding as much of the menu nuisance as possible.

  1. Use a snooper to access the game.

    Seriously, if you're not using a snooper to access the game, you're missing out on many options including launching the game directly into the lobby without dealing with the menus to get there.

    I use the Great Snooper, which is awesome, but there are multiple alternatives if you're looking for one, just do a quick Google search.

  2. Use the command line parameters to launch the game, explained here and here.

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