
I am happy to say that I have finally fixed the crashes in trampoline and the "mines/weapons/jetpacks stuck under trampoline" bug!

Now the Trampoline is set to play without any problems!
Thanks again to the tuomatz (ravander), the man who created this wonderful library (along some others) for the grownups to play with.
UPDATE: resolved the burning worms issue.

- Enlarged the mask of the trampoline - it fits the terrain now
- Fixed the "ninjarope" crashes forever. The revised antiglitch isn't required now.
- Heavily improved the checks for stuck mines/weaps/worms.
- Now the trampoline is launchable from rope/jetpack/bungee/jump/etc. (you may need to update your pxscheme)
- Added new sprites of worms holding the trampoline by raffie.
- Now the worm is on front while the trampoline is on back.
- Bungee doesn't bounce anymore.